Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Discovering the local markets

So it's the final episode of Walking Dead for another 3 months and I couldn't stop crying. Until Joe suggested we go do some shopping.

I love shopping. ANY kind of shopping. Even if its just for capsicums! Usually we'll pop out every night around 6 or 7 for ingredients for dinner. With local fruit and veg stalls just down the road, it takes no time at all and it's better than buying a whole bunch of vegetables that gets forgotten and starts to rot in the bottom of your fridge until your neighbours think you're hiding a dead body.

Anyway, today I wanted to share some pictures of the local markets with you all
They love to smile for the camera!

For when your mum refuses to clean your shoes for you anymore and you're too lazy to do it yourself.

Freshly squeeze Sugar Cane - for those who want diabetes.
Actually these guys called out to me and INSISTED that I take a photo of them and
got all excited when I showed them the picture. It was so cute!

Linking Road - apparently one of the top 5 places to shop in all Mumbai
I'm about as impressed as that girl in the purple.
So far no where beats Bangkok for shopping, especially when your dad is the 'Master Bargainer' and speaks Thai :)

This picture just makes me sad. At first I felt sorry for them having to live in such a horrible, dirty, unhygienic environment... then I saw the number of TV satellites (there were hundreds!) I suppose they don't want to miss a single episode of The Walking Dead either...
Can you spot the kids playing on the roof?

Not a great photo but I think the little boy's outfit is kinda cute!
He looked just like his dad. 

Chicken curry!
Sad to say, it looked the same on its way out too...
(oh you were hoping I wouldn't go there huh!?!)

It's very important to distinguish between the seeds and the flies before putting a slice in your mouth.

A chef preparing the roti for the restaurant.
I lost my appetite though when he scratched him bum, then touched the bread.

Ok, I'm done uploading pictures now. 

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Here's to the freakn weekend...I'll drink to that!

We've had a busy weekend consisting of far too much alcohol (I swear I'm never drinking again! At least until next weekend), lots of dancing, great food and of course, the best part - making friends with other drunkards!

I'm just going to post a whole bunch of pictures because I'm too hungover to type anything literate.

Friday night - we were off to check out Volare in Colaba and the cheapest and quickest way is by train
Here's Josiah hanging out the train just like the locals do
It's also a common way they die.

We caught the express train which meant we arrived VERY early (like before the restaurant was even officially open!) but they let us in.
I didn't waste any time getting stuck into their drinks list! Free drinks for the ladies..I'll say cheers to that!

Joe's fake beer (it's for men who like cocktails but don't want anyone else to know)
My first drink of the night. I have no idea what it was.

Dinner round 1 - chicken caesar salad

The grossest chocolate shake ever!! Glad I didn't have to pay for it!

Peri Peri Chicken with Garlic Mayonnaise - delicious! 
Had to fight Josiah for the last piece. 
He may have lost an eye in the struggle

Next round - a cosmo for me and a LIIT for Josiah

Judging by the look on my face, I think you can see they were definitely not mocktails

The music during dinner was so random!!
They played country, rap, top 40 plus some good old John Denver!

Our last dish - sicillian garlic chicken. It was SO tasty!

Drink number ... I don't know anymore...

Josiah's Strawberry Thing - Devine!!

We settled the bill and were thinking of leaving. We got as far as the bar...

and I decided that I should have one last cosmo for the road. 

So we never made it out the door.
One cosmo became 2, then 3
then they just kept coming!

I can't remember their names or how we even met them.
But they were drunk and so were we!

This guy beat me for the 'drunkest person in the club' award

These guys rocked!
By the end of the night, I'd just walk up to the bar and without having to ask, they'd start making me a cosmo.

Saturday was spent recovering which pretty much means lying in bed trying to forget all those embarrassing things you did the night before. Did I really break a cocktail glass while trying to climb onto the bar? Wasn't that just a horrible horrible dream? No?! Ugh. 

Anyway, by Saturday afternoon we were feeling much better and we decided we needed a new camera lens for our upcoming Christmas Holidays in Sikkim (so excited for it!!). We caught a train to CST station and found a legit Canon store with the exact lens we wanted for about 30% less than the price in Australia. Lets just hope it doesn't fall to bits within the first week!

the beautiful CST station

Next we caught a taxi to Marine Drive, the place where I get to act as a creepy tourist and take pictures of couples trying to have a romantic moment together. 
Marine Drive - Mumbai's place for romance

Indians don't really approve of PDA, but you wouldn't know it if you went to this place.
Some of the groping I saw reminded me of  "3am in the back of the taxi" sort of thing!
Back at home we got ready for our night at the Red Ant. One of the guys we met at Volare (the one with the glasses) had a friend who was DJing at the Red Ant and invited us along. We were only planning to stay a little while, but you know how it're having fun, you've got a drink in your hand and life is good. Before you know it you're drunk and dancing like a slut again! Just as I was perfecting my sprinkler dance move, it struck 1am, the lights came on, the music stopped and the nice waitstaff turned into crazed piranhas snapping at anyone who wasn't making their way out the door. I miss the days of dancing until dawn! 

I'll finish with a great recipe Josiah and I thought up. It's pretty lengthy, so try to keep up...
1) get strawberries, cream, vodka and ice
2) mix in a blender until smooth
3) say cheers, drink and wait for effects!

Cream - a strawberry's best friend!


Thursday, 24 November 2011

A day in the life of Josiah

So instead of writing about what a typical day is like for me, I thought why not take a craptonne of pictures instead?! After all, they say a picture is worth a thousand words!

Up at 6:30am! I start the day with a cup of strong coffee in my favourite mug which I never wash, as you can see. 
I like to do my part for conserving water

Essential working equipment - biscuits, coffee and a computer!

With all the construction work going on outside I'm not sure how she stays asleep!
Maybe she pretends to be sleeping whenever I walk in so she doesn't have to get up...

Just hanging up the washing, you know, in our hallway. 

Jen's off to go exploring on her own...
hmm must be coffee time again yes?
then more work ...... zzzzz....
Lunch Time!! Only $4 for the BEST woodfire pizza...With free garlic bread and drink....Delivered.
Beat that Dominos Australia! 
Jen's back! A coffee for her and Me

Finished work for the day! Time to go out and explore the markets!
This is a picture of our street.
 Inspite of all the traffic you can see, it's actually considered a quiet suburban road!

A hit and run! This guy was pushing his vegetable cart along our road and got clipped by another vehicle. I helped by holding onto the cart so it didn't roll away down the street while he grabbed his vegetables off the dirty ground.
I hope whoever buys the spinach gives it a good wash before eating them!

Hold on tight, it's dodgem rickshaws 

3 near misses later (no exaggeration there) and we finally make it to our destination.
Only 11 Rupees (20 cents)!

The markets are always so colourful! 

This game is what I like to call - where's Jen?
Or as Jen likes to call it - 'how much stuff can you fit into a shop?!'

A vegetarian Zombie's feast - graaaaains

Pasta, anyone?

Getting lost in the markets...


Jen's comment: it's like a rainbow in a shop :D

Walking down to Carter Road, we pass one of the slums of Mumbai...

Before heading home we stopped in at my favourite yoghurt store for some Berry Frozen Yoghurt - my current obsession!

Another crazy ride back

Back home! This is our security guard. He likes to talk to us in Hindi, but since  we can't really understand him, we just nod and smile and say Thank You. He probably thinks we're idiots.

It's 9pm - the perfect time for making strawberry walnut cheesecake!

Jen volunteered to do the washing up!

How do you finish off a great night? By chilling out with some ZOMBIES!