We've had quite an eventful week
- There was the afternoon a bunch of teenage boys in a rusty old pick up truck got a severe case of road rage after we over took them on the highway to Memphis. I felt like we'd been dropped into the middle of a bad remake of that 1971 movie 'Duel'. Picture 3 psychotic males climbing all over each other to make various strange hand gestures at us. Since I don't speak moron, I just nodded and smiled. That seemed to piss them off even more. They weaved through traffic just to stick by our side for about 5 miles until we reached the next town where they had to call off their chase and pulled into a fuel station.
- Then there was the day we arrived in Miami expecting sunshine and palm trees, only for it to be pouring down with needle like rain drops. When it wasn't raining, it was muggy and hot. I can't believe just 1 week ago we were driving through a snow blizzard, and now we're trying not to kill each other with our body odour.
- Finally there was the impromptu BBQ we had today. Walking through Walmart, Josiah found 2 fillet mignons for only $4 and the Australian man in him wanted to slap that thing on the barbie. I'd been craving a juicy steak for days and this was a cheap, waitress-free (I'll write a separate post on my fear of American waitresses later) way of getting it. Sadly we didn't think it through and before we knew it, we'd bought a whole bunch of other great picnic food, but no BBQing utensils or fire making equipment. On the drive back to the motel, Josiah suddenly realised this but decided that our flimsy plastic fork would work just fine to turn the meat, and they'd have an electric grill
for sure.
for sure. Not even close. The motel didn't have a BBQ and neither did any of the surrounding parks. The only park with one was 15 miles away. This picnic idea was fast turning into a giant hassle but we'd already bought all that food, so off we went. It should be pretty straightforward now right?
Wrong. First we had to pay for park entrance. Then we found out the BBQs were charcoal-fuelled...as in, bring your own charcoal, lighter fluid and matches - none of which we had.
So there we were with rotting meat, melting cheese and smiles that were turning into frowns.
About to give up, I spotted a park attendant and sent Josiah off to ask for ideas on salvaging our situation. Luckily he was a really nice man and was able to provide us with everything we needed!
The rest I'll share in pictures.
More lighter fluid? Why not?!
Josiah unleashes his inner pyromaniac |
Who needs metal utensils when you can find sticks like that |
We couldn't fry the eggs like we'd wanted to so Josiah decided
to put them in the coals to see if they'd cook |
A couple exploded |
But this one turned out great! |